US - California - Full Moon 181 - 06/15/11
The Tragic Tantrum
Mirror Mirror
The Tragic Tantrum
The Tragic Tantrum can be described as dark cabaret band with all what that implies on their debut album. They have a magnetic frontwoman in Zoe Tantrum, and some able
band members in Zephyrus Tragic and Darrin Lee.
"Excuse Me Mr." sees the band attack the piano and vocals with strong emphasis on the attack. Zoe Tantrum approaches a contented rich man with a sharp satirical approach.
The becalmed passages where Zoe lets out her operatic range makes the darker bits all the more effective. "The Silent" is a song that recalls prime Dresden Dolls, all
theatrical vocals and staccato tempo. The lyrics would make it ideal for inclusion in a Tim Burton movie. "Beautiful" is a song that slowly unfurls into a nice statement
of intent. Zoe's vocals are right on the money as she mocks the lives of the rich and famous.
"Only with you" sees Zephyrus Tragic's piano featured in a good way, Zoe Tantrum's piercing vocals make it a thrill ride not to be missed. It's a stunning debut.
Copyright © 2011 Anna Maria Stjärnell 