US - Texas - Full Moon 187 - 12/10/11
Paddle Easy
Austin, TX combo Whalers is back with another EP a year after their (mini) album How The Ship Goes Down. And I can't say nothing
but 'Hear! Hear!' once more.
Paddle Easy holds 5 songs and again the quintet serves well-cooled rock cocktails. These are no-bullshit songs, being both catchy and entertaining. They've both
got this 70s and 80s (well, maybe with most weight on the latter's wave of US guitar rock) feel to them, but the songs and the sound doesn't sound dated. Opener "Cheat
On Each Other" seems to be a love-hate tale. "Pixel In Your Picture" sounds like Posies time-capsuled back to 1974. The title track and the last two songs keeps on the
track, showing a potent rock band I guess must be a treat at any dark and sweaty rock club stage. Guitarists Kyle Rother and Dan Martin, singer Gus Smalley, drummer Milos
Bertram and bassist Amir Mozafari play basic rock'n'roll, and their mantra still is: 'Less is more'.
Copyright © 2011 Håvard Oppøyen 