Norway - Full Moon 191 - 04/06/12
Project Herpes
Hoppla Hesten Records
Project Herpes are four youngsters/punksters from Fredrikstad, a few miles south of Oslo. This project is a party-punk outfit, and it seems they're having a fun time
in their band. Pubertal humour (or even kindergarten age humour, like in 'poo' - yes, like in feces) seems to be the thing, even though they have a political stand as well.
They sing in both Norwegian and English, and this is mainly old-school, super fast punk-rock (GBH meets Dead Kennedys), even though there are some crazy, calmer moments
in-between. Such as the B-movie introduction to "Magic Potatoes From Outer Space". Add some punk-a-billy, and you're somewhere near the essence of the band.
So, what can I say? This album aims and shoots in all directions. I guess the purpose of the record wasn't to create an album with focus and a red thread. Even though
the bear returns in the end. 13 tracks (+ 2 hidden bonus tracks) clocking in at some 35 minutes is quite long for the genre. It's quite a chaotic listen, with too many
songs fighting for their lives. Maybe an EP next time, boys.
Copyright © 2012 Håvard Oppøyen 