US - Vermont - Full Moon 193 - 06/04/12
Justin Levinson and the Valours
This Side Of Me, This Side Of You
Justin Levinson is a a gifted young singer and this is an appealing record of what he calls 'feel-good heartbreak'.
Opener "Water Wears The Rock" is a mid-tempo song with a great chorus and a lovelorn lyric to match. "Love You Goodbye" features the equally gifted singer Gregory
Douglass and is a catchy and charming song. The two singers are perfectly in synch. "I Was So Wrong" features Liz Longley for a country-fied duet that edges into the
genre nicely. It's still poppy and sweet.
"If You're Happier" closes the album on a good note, Levinson singing movingly of wanting another's happiness despite being sad they're apart. It's a wonderful album.
Copyright © 2012 Anna Maria Stjärnell 