England - Full Moon 198 - 10/29/12
Head of Light Entertainment
The English Don't Care
Northern Round Square Records
Carl Green's Head of light Entertainment return with an album to match their stunning debut. Simone Silvistris, Graeme Boynton and John Taylor join him for what is
more of a band effort than the debut was.
"The Airing Cupboard Fairies" is every bit as quirky as the title implies, a direct spiritual descendant of quintessential English whimsy of the Syd Barrett kind.
The title song is an ironic reflection on being English set to a jaunty tune. Green's vocals are suitably arch. "Spending My Nieces' Inheritance" is a sprightly little
tale of a man doing just that. The melody's instantly likeable and Green's delivery priceless.
"Bored with the Past" is a pointed song with a glorious tune that they handle well. This is a wonderful and very individual album.
Copyright © 2012 Anna Maria Stjärnell 