England - Full Moon 212 - 12/17/13
Will Samson
Light Shadows
Karaoke Kalk
Will Samson is a low-voiced, ambient pop elegantier, creating nicely flavoured moods and smooth atmospheres. With a brittle and tender voice (which is a little bit Justin 'Bon Iver' Vernon-ish), and soundscapes sometimes crossing musical paths with Beach House, these four songs are soothing company for late, late nights.
Last October's album Balance by Samson got some (well, mostly, almost entirely) rave reviews, such as: "...songs so heartfelt, you dare not speak over them." (Clash Magazine), and "...Eno-esque ambience, ...recorded late at night to cassette...an unusually intimate collection." (UNCUT Magazine). Yes, Samson's music is so pure and careful you can hardly breathe when listening. Almost. So good it hurts. Definitely. "Rusting Giants" glides out of the speakers to embrace you, while "Empty Atoms" tickles your skin leaving some pleasant numbness. The tracks were written following a time where Samson dealt with loss and death, ideas and sketches birthed and formed during a trip to India. Recorded and finished in Berlin with friend and producer Florian Frenzel (who also produced Balance). Final track "Sanctuary" sums up the tone of the album in an excellent way. A small collection of crisp and comforting songs for contemplation and self-care, most efficiently and stylishly done. Like the biblical, Samson has some supernatural strength for making
powerful music. Except that he's not slaying and killing to reach his goals. I am not sure if he has the same vulnerabilities as that Samson. Anyway, he'd better steer clear off any Delilahs, and to protect his hair and moustache.
Light Shadows is pleasuring company, and it's also got a most fitting album title, describing the content of the record quite precisely. Light Shadows is a mini album for max comfort.
Copyright © 2013 Håvard Oppøyen 