Denmark - Full Moon 215 - 03/16/14
Jacob Faurholt
Jacob Faurholt follows his stunning album Dark Hours with a strong new album. The opening title track has a dark edge and a fuzzy
guitar that works for it. "I'll take my pill and swallow" he intones bleakly. "A Horse's Head" is a calm song with an edge and a reference
to The Godfather that's nicely evoked. It's a poppy treat of a song nonetheless.
"Sing and Swing" is rather sweet, and has a delicate backing that suits the affecting vocal well. Faurholt is good at this kind of music.
"SH" closes the album on a good note, a soft song with a barbed vocal that recalls Velvet Underground's gorgeous third album. It's another
quiet triumph for Faurholt. May he deliver many more.
Copyright © 2014 Anna Maria Stjärnell 