US - Texas - Luna Kafé - Full Moon 22 - 08/08/98
Sleepy Eyes
Bobby J Records
While recorded in North Carolina, this appeared on the local
Bobby J label, so I wanted to say a little something about it.
This is a plaintive and personal, yet inexplicably pop record.
I find myself straying far from the indie poppy fields of late,
but this record is the closest I've come to being drawn back
into its embrace.
Stand-outs for me lie in the sprawl of longer songs like
The Wind and Sweat Me (both side one) that combine
the cryptic whispers and skitters of Skip Spence's Grey/Afro
with the boop-teet of a drum machine that will unfortunately be
held up to (or against) Mr. Oldham's Arise Therefore. What
separates Mr. Oldham from Mr. Berklee is that while the former is
just "trying" to be different, the latter is truly doing something
very different, very personal, and is already far down that
Misunderstood Highway. Pick him up, for his thumb and his record is out.
Copyright © 1998 Andy Beta 