US - New York - Full Moon 220 - 08/10/14
Blonde Redhead
Asawa Kuru / Kobalt / Playground
In September Blonde Redhead will release their ninth studio album, Barragán, four years after their last one (Penny Sparkle), and the magic and spiritual
23. It'se been a while since I've listened to the NYC threesome, so I'm a bit to excited to check what they're up to these days. I recall that I wasn't
too impressed with their last album.
The NYC based
trio is out on their own this time (their own label), but they have had assistance by producer, engineer, and mixer Drew Brown (who's been working with Beck, Radiohead, The Books, Lower Dens,
among others). The result is a smart, smooth and sexy track, which stirs up hope for the upcoming album. Yes, this is a cool song. Much cooler than the previous single, "No More Honey", the
first taster lifted off Barragán - which felt a bit stiffer, and a bit on the sluggish side. "Dripping" on the other side, is the one dripping with honey, if you're asking me.
Tasty, as a taster, it is.
Barragán is due out September 2nd (via Kobalt).
Copyright © 2014 Håvard Oppøyen 