US - New York - Full Moon 221 - 09/09/14
Brother Earth
Out Like A Lion
Hidden Shoal Recordings
American duo Brother Earth is a collaboration between multi-instrumentalist (and producer) Todd Tobias (of Circus Devils, Robert Pollard, Guided by Voices) and vocalist Steve Five (from
The Library is on Fire, who recorded with Todd Tobias some years ago. Five and Tobias began collaborating on music videos for Tobias' band Circus Devils). "Out Like A Lion" is taken from
their upcoming album, Positive Haywires (due out 16th September, on Hidden Shoal). Oh, yeah, this is cool stuff!
Tagged as 'smoky ambience' by Hidden Shoal Tobias and Five swirl out a little mystic and exciting piece to tickle our curiosity before the album arrives. "Out Like A Lion" is a little
song, scary as hell. I - the listener - feel like being a little lamb, eyeballing the big lion circling me while I'm standing in the middle of the green grass field. I'm terrified, yet I can't
wait to see what happens next. Strange feeling. Yes. It's intense, spine-chilling, creepy, but, yet I simply have to know what's up next... Cool, right? Cool song.
Copyright © 2014 Håvard Oppøyen 