Norway - Full Moon 222 - 10/08/14
Hanne Kolstø
We Don't See Ourselves
Jansen Plateproduksjon
Following last year's record (her third album proper), Stillness And Panic Hanne Kolstø is ready with a new album on November 21st called Forever
Maybe. As a taster comes the first single off the album, "We Don't See Ourselves". Kolstø quite clearly sees herself as a true artist, and she's sailed up as one of the brightest
and sharpest pop voices (and composers) in Norwegian music. She always delivers something special, something on the side. She's a unique artist. This time as well.
By browsing the critics Kolstø delievered a brilliant concert during this year's ØYA-festival. Sadly I wasn't there. I couldn't go. Simple
as that, even though her gig was high up on my want-to-go-to list for the festival. However, I got to see her gig with (as part of) Atlanter, Kolstø & (Anne Lise) Frøkedal --
a combination I didn't find too interesting. Well, hopefully I can go see her show when she launches her new album. Until then checking out "We Don't See Ourselves" will do. And it does for
sure. "I Don't..." is a fascinating listen: It's a semi low-toned, dark, rhythmic feast. It is an ice-cold song, yet it is a glowing warm track as well. It has got this radiant, warming vibe.
Quite a typical Hanne Kolstø song. A signature pop song from her hands. Let's look forward to Forever Maybe. I guess there will be (more) snappy quality pop music popping up, coming to us in
November. When gazing (in an imaginary way...) I can imagine, or predict seeing the contours of great pop on the horizon.
Copyright © 2014 Håvard Oppøyen 