US - New York - Full Moon 225 - 01/05/15
The Lost Patrol
Chasing Shadows
The Lost Patrol/Self-released
The Lost Patrol as ever delivers fine music. They now consist of Mollie Israel, Stephen Masucci, Michael Williams and new drummer Tony Mann.
Opener "Creeper" is made from delightful guitars and Israel's siren song, which develops nicely. It's very sultry and appealing. "Too Hard, Too Fast" has a tougher sound, yet retains the
dreamy qualities of the band's best moments. The title song is an anthemic piece of prime psych pop with a killer chorus. Israel's vocals are as gorgeous as ever.
The closing ballad "If I Could" is a suitably dramatic closer that pulls at the heartstrings. The Lost Patrol have made another great album.
Copyright © 2015 Anna Maria Stjärnell 