Sweden - Full Moon 229 - 05/04/15
The Tallest Man On Earth
Dark Bird is Home
Dead Oceans
The Tallest Man On Earth is Kristian Matsson, a 29-year-old songwriter from Dalarna, Sweden. I am not sure if he is the tallest man on Earth. Haven't checked the Guinness Books of
World Records lately... But, fact is: Matsson is The Tallest Man On Earth.
When I spoke to Tim Sholwater (of Strand of Oaks) in prior to his Oslo gig last October, he sighed, smiled and said: 'Wait...?
Oh, yeah... It's The Tallest Man On Earth! Love him.', when he recognised his label-mate's music coming out from the venue bar's speakers. Dead Oceans signed The Tallest Man On Earth
(TTMOE) in 2010. TTMOE released a self-titled EP on the Swedish independent label Gravitation in 2006. He followed the EP with his debut album, Shallow Grave (2008, on Gravitation/
later released by Mexican Summer in the USA), the attention grew, and he rose to inde-folk 'fame' when touring with Bon Iver during the year(s) following his first release. Armed with his
acoustic guitars, delivering captivating performances, he slowly built his fan-base. Dead Oceans put out another acclaimed album, The Wild Hunt (2010), and he followed this with his
third album, There's No Leaving Now in 2012. Now, he's back with his fourth album proper, Dark Bird is Home (due out May 15), and the title track is simply gorgeous.
TTMOE has toured the world; he has taken the world, and has returned to his native Dalarne for writing the new album. The album has been recorded on various locations (studios, barns, etc.,
in several countries), and it's said to 'carry a weather-worn quality, some dirt and some grit.' Mattson is rooted deep in singer-songwriter folk territory, with music and lyrics holding and
unveiling '...pastoral landscapes and lyrics about overcoming hardships in life and love.' (Dead Oceans) Plain, simple and stripped - heartfelt,
honest and true. As in, 'less is more'. "Dark Bird is Home" is a laidback sugar-pill of a song. Happy, sad, free-floating, high flying. I am really looking forward to checking out the full album.
Copyright © 2015 Håvard Oppøyen 