Germany - Luna Kafé - Full Moon 23 - 09/06/98
Ernst Horn
Johnny Bumm's Wake
Chrom Records
Ernst Horn is well known in Germany as the main musician behind the dark
pop band Deine Lakaien. But he is also a very versatile artist who
helps out in many other projects. Now that his main band Deine Lakaien
takes a longer break Horn finally, besides all his side projects and
production jobs, has the chance to work on a new solo record.
Johnny Bumm's Wake is a sample-based concept album about the current
situation in Germany since the German unification. Horn uses mainly
samples from TV or radio as well as recorded phone sex lines which he
arranged to almost rap like lyrics which combine the frightening facts of
political news with the banalities of commercials. You can hear
Chancellor Helmut Kohl, recordings of Genscher, Honecker and Hitler,
snippets from talk shows, interviews and films. Horn cut out single
phrases and mixed them together to make his point. The result is sometimes
funny, sometimes frightening, but the mixture of samples is always full of
surprises. The sample orgy is accompanied by a soundtrack of synthetic
rhythms, sparse dark synth pop and strange sound effects.
As a whole the album tells a story, something like a day in the live of a
frustrated German TV viewer skipping through the channels. While
listening to the rubbish his frustration is growing. All the promises by
politicians or commercials won't be kept, so at the end he is ready to
take his life. But then an alarm clock is beeping. It was all a dream,
and even the last way out was just an illusion.
Definitely an interesting album, but don't play it at a party. Concentrated
listening is recommended...
Copyright © 1998 Lonely Locke 