Norway - Full Moon 233 - 08/29/15
Fru Pedersen
Fru Pedersen 1992-2002
Datura Records / Bukta Records
Norwegian 90's band Fru Pedersen were a wild bunch of northerners that between 1995 and 2002 released four albums of DIY funk-drenched party rock'n'roll. The guitars often sounded somewhat metal-fueled, but their attitude was more punk. The lyrics are in Norwegian, but the music can surely be enjoyed without understanding the words even if their wacky stories add to the experience. All their four albums are hard to come by today, perhaps most so their debut album Blandt kløver og sopp ("Among clover and mushrooms") that was released as a double vinyl LP only. But also their following CD releases are difficult to get hold of: Kvinner fra i fjor (1996 - "Women from last year"), Ta imot en utstrakt fot (1998 - "Accept a helping foot") and Kos å lev (2002 - "Love & live").
Corresponding with the band's reappearance on the summer festival scene, a new double vinyl album recently saw the light of day. Titled Fru Pedersen 1992-2002 it collects choice cuts from all their four albums, along with a couple of non-album tracks. A most welcome release documenting the history of the band, that is certainly also well deserved. The level of funkyness that rides through this collection of songs is surprisingly high, but adding funk-metal to the mix was not that unusual for the more energetic of 90's underground bands, more so than today I guess. The first set (LP) that covers their first two albums, is raw, sometimes messy, and more crudly produced than the last set covering the last two albums. Some of the cuts from this period add more than a touch of progressive elements, excels in technical terms, while at the same time almost blowing the fuses in regards of advanced rhythmics and raw energy. All good fun, but your ears may need to cool down after some of the blowouts.
Fru Pedersen 1992-2002 is a vinyl only release, pressed in a total run of 500 copies, 200 on white vinyl, 200 on grey and 100 on gold coloured vinyl. Norwegian customers know where to go (Tiger, Big Dipper, The Garden, etc.), others could try contacting the band through their Facebook page. Don't wait too long, as this release will probably sell out.
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