US - New York - Full Moon 235 - 10/27/15
Lana del Rey
Oh, Lana. She was recently dissed by her majesty Kim Gordon in Gordon's memoir "Girl in a Band" for not calling herself a feminist and glamorizing the live fast die young myth. Gordon then
compared her to Chris Isaak. Oh, burn.
But it's an apt comparison; both Isaak and ms. Del Rey are equally inspired by the past, the bona fide Hollywood glamour. Both are good and there's a place for them in the music biz. So,
the actual music then...
After Ultraviolence she sounds all dreamy and wide-eyed, while waiting for her man to appear. The title song is a very typical thing as she pines for the Hollywood hunk of her dreams
to appear. "Music to Watch Boys To" has her sighing over pretty boys dreamily as ever, to a neat tune. Perhaps the songs here are less punchy than on her previous records, but she has style
and class as ever. "God Knows I Tried" is a sigh of a song, and Del Rey does those well.
Her album ends with "Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood" in a typically languid reading. If her previous albums had more zest and sparkle, this one is still lovely, and well worth a listen.
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