Norway - Luna Kafé - Full Moon 24 - 10/05/98
Epikurs Euforie
Side A Side B
Smalltown Supersound
A debut mini-album by Epikurs Euforie, a band from Oslo? It's hard to tell, everything's
quite secret. No names, not much credits. Well, there are some moog and a cello. And horns.
Minimalism, horns, and bawling aggro rawk.
Side A Side B (is that the real title?) jumps right on you with Only
Empty, a blast of energy reminding me of the Pixies turning into Captain Beefheart. Yes,
these guys must have listened to Capt. Beefheart. Guitars running in every direction possible
at once, quite inventive and anarchistic, with frantic vocals shouting, screaming. Epikurs
Euforie experiment a lot. Both with their sound and the stucture of the songs, like they're
trying to fight the conformity of Rock. Some of the tracks present electronic weirdness, and
most of the tracks are quite short. Which is a good thing I think, because they manage to
sound authentic and keep things concise; to a minimum.
It's Hard could almost have been Pere Ubu. Almost. Action Now is even
better. Wild stuff. Both brutal and comfortable at the same time. Even if they most of the time
put weirdness before melodies. A tough 10" this one. Maybe not for the faint-hearted, but well
worth the money if you're into the references. Sonic Brute.
Smalltown Supersound,
Rostedsgate 6,
0178 Oslo,
Copyright © 1998 Håvard Oppøyen 