US - Georgia - Full Moon 247 - 10/16/16
All The Saints
Here b/w Her
Chunklet industries / Third Uncle
'Often mentioned, rarely heard.' This is a phrase linked to Atlanta. GA rock trio All The Saints. The band's been running for some ten years, but haven't released any records for the last
five years. They put out an album Fire On Corridor X (Killer Pimp/Touch & Go) in 2008, followed by Intro To Fractions (on UK label Souterrain Transmissions) some three years
later. In fact, they were said to be the last, final new band to release a record on the influential (at least for alternative rock back in the late 80s/early 90s) Touch & Go Records label.
Anyway, the three-piece (counting Matt Lambert, Titus Brown, and Jim Crook) have come up with this new single as a joint release between Chunklet industries and Third Uncle, and there's said
to be more songs coming at us.
All The Saints comes as a spacy, shoegaze-blues-rock, psychedelic, light hard rocking outfit. The three-piece themselves claim their music to roam the back-alleys sounding like '70s psychedelia
and classic dark riffs.' "Here" and "Her" relate to each other, but "Her" is the calmer, darker one of the pair, which might possibly be compared to something like early Afghan Whigs merged
with Screaming Trees - only a bit more dazed and faded. This is a limited edtion seven inch of 50 hand-cut copies. Check their (or Chunklet Industries') Bandcamp
site and you'd better run to the Third Uncle shop if you're looking for the vinyl piece.
Copyright © 2016 Håvard Oppøyen 