US - Massachusetts - Luna Kafé - Full Moon 26 - 12/03/98
Damon & Naomi
Live in Hamburg, November 2nd 1998
And I didn't even plan to see this show... My friend Joerg and I
made the 400 km trip to Hamburg to see Bob Mould on his
'last ever' electric tour. But competition in Hamburg was tough this
night: R.E.M. played their first German gig in ages (at the 800
capacity Grunspan), Blondie played their first show here in an even
longer time, as I mentioned Bob Mould was on and for the 'lager,
lager, lager' crowd Underworld played a rare show as well. All that on
a Monday, all that in Hamburg. Well, before we were going to
drive to the Logo, I thought I could say 'hi' to Damon & Naomi before
their show, as I did a very, very enjoyable interview with them in
Amsterdam back in May, resulting in some articles on D&N and G500.
When I told them that we
wouldn't be able to see their show cause we had tickets for Bob Mould,
Naomi just smiled and said: "You'd see the better show here" and Damon
added: "This will probably be our one and only German show ever" (or
words to that effect)... Well, needless to say, if two people who
changed your life when they still were in Galaxie 500 and to this day
still are one of your favourite acts as D&N, basically ask you to see
their show, you can't turn them down. Well, I couldn't. So they put us
on the guest-list (thanks again) and then we eagerly waited for the
show to start, hoping that we would be able to see at least the end of
Bob Mould's set as well. There were only 25 - albeit very enthusiastic
- people attending. Naomi came to talk to us for a bit before
the show... apparently they are very pleased with the way the tour has
been going, Japan must've been a lot of fun as well. Being a big Bob
Dylan fan I asked her to do It's All Over Now Baby Blue
tonight, she just smiled and said "Maybe". As the intro music for the
show they used the original Playback Singers from India, the ones that
inspired their last album title. Strange stuff. They came on
stage around 9.30 PM, thanking everybody for choosing D&N over R.E.M.,
Blondie ("That's were we would've gone", Damon joked. "We'll try our
best to be as gloomy as possible"), Bob Mould and Underworld and
started with a long Turn Of The Century. I have to admit that I
liked the songs where Naomi played the mini harmonium (is that what is
is?!) better so I enjoyed the version of New York City and
Information Age (maybe my favourite D&N song ever) even more.
As mentioned before, they played a selection of all three albums,
"Because they have been released in Europe for the first time now" as
Damon pointed out. I guess it really makes sense then. They might have
played England before and it was a bit dull to see them do the same
songs again, but this was their first ever - if I'm informed correctly
- German date and so everybody was quite pleased to hear the old
stuff. They also did The Navigator, but what completely made my
night was the song that followed it. Blue Moon (from Big Star's
Sister Lovers album) is one of the most beautiful songs ever
when Alex Chilton sings it, but with Naomi on vocals it almost moved
me to tears. It was absolutely amazing. That song alone was well worth
the long drive and missing Bob Mould for me! Damon had all sorts of
cute stories to go with the songs and as I said before, the crowd
loved every bit of it. The set included - not in this order - How
Long and Eye Of The Storm (another personal favourite) as
well and they closed with This Car Climbed Mt. Washington.
Before they left the stage, they were trying to auction off the last
remaining two T-shirts (needless to say, I got one), but of course
they came back, three times actually, to do Tour Of The World
and Tom Rapp's Translucent Carriages. "Carsten, you're
still here?", Naomi asked after that song - she seemed to be really
surprised that I didn't leave early to see Bob Mould. "Yup, I am", I
responded, "How about playing the song I wanted to hear?" "That's
blackmail", she smiled. "No", I said, "It isn't cause you
decide". Unfortunately they didn't do It's All Over Now Baby
Blue, and for a second I was a little disappointed, but only for a
second. Because before the very last song Damon said: "Well, we got
something especially for you people here in Hamburg. I know we got our
own songs, but..." - "This is our own song", Naomi interrupted him and
Damon started to strum a few chords, before stopping. "I forgot the
words!" - "Make them up", Naomi smiled. "No, there's this one image in
this song that will help me to guide me through it", Damon answered
(or something very close to that) and yes, they did Blue
Thunder (One of the most beautiful Galaxie 500 songs - editor's
note) and - needless to say - that made everybody out of the 25
people very, very happy! A perfect end for what was a very
strong, very laid-back 85 minute show. I for one was more than happy
that I'd stayed. I got my T-shirt, got my posters signed - "For
Carsten - who skipped Bob Mould, love Naomi + Damon" it reads - waved
goodbye to the two and even managed to see quite a bit of the Bob
Mould show a few blocks away. We even managed to make the 400km drive
home in just three hours, despite the dreadful rain! What a night.
Thanks to Joerg and thank you for reading. Sorry for any misspellings
and mistakes of any kind, it's been a long day. Goodnight.
(3 nights after this show the majority of us at the Luna Kafé HQ
saw D&N in Oslo, closing their small European tour. Their show was
much the same as in Hamburg - Turn of the Century, New York
City, Information Age, The Navigator, Laika,
How Long, Blue Moon, This Car Climbed ..., only a
bit shorter due to Damon's "exhausted" guitar, and maybe a too
laid-back audience of 40-50. A pleasant evening though, even without
Blue Thunder. - editor's note.)
Copyright © 1998 Carsten Wohlfeld 