US - Texas - Luna Kafé - Full Moon 26 - 12/03/98
Philip Gayle
Yabyum Productions
First release by Mr. Gayle and his ten tentacled fingers, entrenched
under frets, tracing and scraping new strung paths out on such things as
4, 5, 11, and 12 string guitars (to say nothing of the banjo and wobble-board
that are strategically placed as well). While a track like Pustular Eruption
might pluck and cluck like a rooster or duck, beaks between each nail, tail feathers
fluttering out of listening ears, the next track (what language is this exactly?)
features wobbly water slides and drowned bath-tub gurgles, all going on right next
door to Mayo Thompson et al. at the Coconut Hotel. Gayle's over-dubbing of guitars
might at times hint at what a trio of Derek Bailey, Eugene Chadbourne, and Hans
Reichel might sound like after hefty huffs of Dust-Off, yet he still manages to
create a hell of a racket and buzz inside of his own garbage bag.
Contact: yabyum productions, 1402 Richmond Ave. #102, Houston, TX 77006 USA
Copyright © 1998 Andy Beta 