Germany - Luna Kafé - Full Moon 27 - 01/02/99
Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft
Die Kleinen und die Bösen
Alles ist gut
Gold und Liebe
Für immer
All re-released on Mute Records - The Grey Area
Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft, or DAF for
short as they named themselves later in their career were one the
most important German bands in the early eighties. They were one of
the bands that influenced a whole generation of German bands who made
up the so called "Neue Deutsche Welle", the German incarnation of New
Wave. However, like many other progressive German bands (Can,
Kraftwerk, Einstürzende Neubautren), they first became big outside
Germany - in Great Britain. Therefore it's Mute Records in England who
put out the re-releases of their classic albums. In the early eighties
DAF created a new style of music, which was named "Electronic Body
Music" later by their imitators. Their music was also highly
influental on the techno movement in the early nineties. Some of the
ealier DAF members became important members of the German techno scene
later. The band was founded as part of the German punk / post
punk scene in the late seventies. They released a first album in 1979,
Ein Produkt der Deutsch-Amerikanischen Freundschaft, a raw and
noisy album, quite hard to find nowadays and unfortunately not part of
the re-release series. In 1980 they relocated in London and released an
album on Mute Records, a label that later made it big through the
success of Depeche Mode. By the way, the DAF record Die Kleinen und
die Bösen was the first full length album Mute has put out.
Sonically it's still the raw, noisy, and chaotic "early" DAF sound,
especially on the second half of the album which was recorded live.
The band was still working as a full band with a guitarist and
drummer. Thematically the album already exhibits the controversional
nature of the band with lyrics like "East is the best" (during the
cold war era, mind you) on one side and the World War II
nursery rhymes "the funny boots are marching over Poland" on the
other. But the major labels became aware of them and DAF (in
the meantime reduced to a duo of singer Gabi Delgado and the original
drummer and now electronic musician Robert Görl) was signed by one of
them. Their music became more electronic, cleaner and more
rhythmically accentuated. Heavy and hard throbbing disco rhythms for
club play with very minimal melodies and lyrics. They were often
accused of supporting the Neo-Nazi movement with lines like "Dance the
Mussolini ... dance the Adolf Hitler". However their critics failed to
address similarly controversial lines from the same track like "Dance
the Communism" which lead to the conclusion that the purpose was
rather mere shock value than political message. Beyond that most DAF
tracks carry overtly sexual connotations (tracks like Sex Under
Water for example). The three successful major label
albums are all more or less similar in style. The first one, Alles
ist gut, has most of their well known hits (Der Mussolini,
Der Räuber und der Prinz - a big hit in Germany in 1981), but
this is most likely due to the fact that the sound was new then and
wore out a bit after that. The second one, Gold und Liebe, is
a little bit on the lighter and poppier side. Für immer is
closer to the harder edge and features a re-recording of an old DAF
classic Militürk, now titled Kebabträume, which was
often recorded by other bands as well. In retrospect these albums are
all equally good, and that is probably the reason why Mute Records
decided to put them out on digitally remastered gold edition CDs
through their re-release series for classic industrial music "The Grey
Area". After these albums DAF decided to call it quits. They
reformed for a very short and less successful period in the mid-eighties
and the members pursued various follow-up projects over the
years. This year, coincidently with the Mute reissues they announced a
comeback, but new material has yet to turn up.
Copyright © 1999 Lonely Locke 