US - Louisiana - Luna Kafé - Full Moon 28 - 01/31/99
Bayou Jacque
six song demo
BJ/own label
Okay, it is like this, I was hunting up desktop themes, even though I have
thirty something or more, and came across this Louisiana site called Bayou Jacque.
I spontaneously began to oh and ah because Louisiana is the missing piece of
my, resident of Indiana, soul.
Now my husband, even neighbors, might have thought me engaged in unnatural
relations with my computer. After all, I was so very happy to have found
Bayou Jacque's site. All of this before I saw their offer of a demo tape and
literally yelped with joy. I immediately emailed the Reverend Charles and
after his quick response began my expectant wait.
After a reasonable, for some, wait, I received this gift of music and
promptly, as well as respectfully, had my husband insert it into our player.
Joy! "They are singing in French!", my husband exclaimed. "They are supposed to
be. They are a French Cajun band", I replied.
We listened intently. We played it over and over again. Superb. They are
very gifted. My husband, the lifelong hardrock fan, was even charmed. My
youngest son, Paddy, declared them to be, "Silly". Silly is Paddy's highest,
most special, compliment.
Bayou Jacque deserves fame if they desire and will, no doubt, live forever
in your heart and as part of your soul.
Members of the band are (call to get a copy of the tape):
Harton Firmin - French Accordian & Vocals (888) 922-9223
Charles Ward (a.k.a. Reverend Charley Edwards) - Guitar (318) 445-6988
Mark Gremillion - Violin & Vocals (318) 473-2140
Rene Borrel - Bass, and Lonnie Didier - Drums
Copyright © 1999 LA 