Germany - Luna Kafé - Full Moon 29 - 03/02/99
A progressive metal rock album from a German band...
Though this introduction conjures up images of black
leather, whips and chains and other assorted SM
implements, it is really NOT so. They are HEAVY, for
sure but they are also melodic... You may not be able
to play this CD in the office loudly, but then again, I
do not think that Winterland would mind if you don't.
Their excellently crafted brand of metal rock has an
appealing sound which is excellently complemented by
Thorsten Frie's (the singer) baritone voice. This is
not music for the Paula Abdul fans or the frivolously
"fabulous" disco crowd but hey... There is more to life than candy-coated trash !!! Winterland delivers a metal sound full of virile strength and melodic
sensibility. Great stuff !!
Copyright © 1999 Stavros Moschopoulos 