US - New York - Luna Kafé - Full Moon 29 - 03/02/99
Mercury Rev
Prime Club, Cologne, January 24th 1999
How often do you rush to the merchandise stand after a
show to get a glimpse of the upcoming tour dates printed on the
shirts and think: Hamburg, Amsterdam, Frankfurt... that's all only
300, 400 kilometres away - gotta be there!? Yup, not very often
indeed. But for Mercury Rev no distance can be too far right
now. What the New Yorkers get together on stage night after
night is so staggeringly good, that you just cannot miss your
chance to catch a little more of the magic.
Before I start: Mercury Rev '99 have very little in common
with the freaky Indie-art-rock revue that last toured Europe in
'95. But they've gained tons of confidence. Sometimes it's a little
bit too much for their own good, actually. Every other 'normal'
band for example would play a perfect pop song like
Goddess On A Hiway as part of the encores, but
Mercury Rev aren't a normal band and so they actually start
their blazing set with Goddess ...! Wow! Next is
Tonite It Shows, and after only two songs it's obvious
that we're in the presence of greatness. Not only the
audience is more than happy, Jonathan - with glitter around his
eyes! - is smiling non-stop.
It's hard to believe, but with two keyboard players and the
goal to be even better live than on their masterpiece
Deserter's Songs, Mercury Rev are light-years better on
stage than on record. The sound is crystal-clear and it catches -
both band and punters - like a wave and lifts you up into
hitherto unknown heights. Retro-Space-Rock at its best. But not
only the new tunes sound like miniature space-operas, even the
old and often edgy songs sound fresh and catchy.
Frittering sounds in one word
apocalyptic, and their early classic Car Wash Hair
sounds like, well, Car Wash Hair, only better! And there
are cover versions, performed the way they should be: Very
focused on the original, but better: Jonathan steps up to the
microphone and sings: "I don't believe in an interventionist
God"... Mercury Rev do Nick Cave's Into My Arms
and they do it perfectly! You just hope that Nick himself never
gets to hear this version or he will lay awake at night wondering
why the Bad Seeds can't come up with a touching version like
this. A quite perfect mix of power and melancholy. Same goes
for the encore Isolation by The Plastic Ono Band and for
a moment Jonathan sounds more like John Lennon than the
former Beatle himself. Then it's all over now baby blue, roadie
Slouch unplugs the guitars and switches off the amps. But hey,
there they go again to return for a blazing feedback-orgy:
Cortez The Killer by Neil Young it is, and for minutes on
till the end Jonathan just holds his guitar to the ear and listens to
the deafening sound. A quick 'thank you' and they disappear.
But we, the audience have to thank Mercury Rev for 90 minutes
full of magic and energy out of this world, that, with the possible
exception of Spiritualized, no other band on this planet could
match. We really could do with a few more bands like Mercury
P.S. Of course I went to see them again, two weeks later at
the Nachtleben in Frankfurt. The show was as good as the one
in Cologne, even though the band was a bit tired. Fortunately,
the set-list was pretty much different, no Into My Arms,
instead we got a very nice version of Lou Reed's Caroline
Says from his Berlin album. Go see them if you can!
The Revs tour the US in March and April, return to Europe for
festivals in May and tour Australia and New Zealand in the
Copyright © 1999 Carsten Wohlfeld 