Brazil - Luna Kafé - Full Moon 30 - 03/31/99
Various Artists
Projeto 1.000 Zic Buk 2
Virtual Studio
Currently in Brazil, the ongoing marketing strategy
focuses on simple melodies, catchy lyrics, and sparsely
dressed performers. Selling CDs is what counts to
those producers and marketing moguls. The other side of
this coin is what you will find in Ataualba
Meirelles's most recent production, Projeto 1.000 Zic Buk 2. This is a multi-performer collection of
twenty songs covering everything from baião,
blues, jazz, to Brazilian rock. The title of the album
is a play on Portuguese and English words. Think
of it as really Project Music Book 2. Music
appears in the title as the combination of 1.000 (a
thousand in Portuguese, or "mil," where the "L" is
pronounced as "U").
In Meirelles's own words, this project is the avenue
for those musicians interested in making music for the love of music. They compose without regard to
commercialism. Meirelles gives these talented musicians
the means to present their work and not waste their talents. It would be unrealistic to expect perfection
in such an eclectic mixture of rhythms and styles,
vocal and instrumental melodies. Nevertheless, the
vitality these musicians display is admirable. It will
be interesting to revisit them years down the road and
check the names that went on to produce a successful
The first track, Uma Vida Assim Com
Você (A Life Like This With You), is a
soulful composition by Nil Freitas interpreted by Hulda Lago. Her jazz and gospel influences are clearly more
pronounced in her vocalese towards the end of the tune.
With a stronger instrumental jazz approach, Marlon
Eça's Archijazz has an interesting story
associated with it. Originally created in the digital
domain, this recording was done with musicians instead
of the digital format. The warmth brought forth in
Geová Nascimento's tenor sax solos seems to
be more than any justification one would ever need for
the real human touch in music. As for Amadeu Alves's
Baião Unido (United Baião), the
trip back to authentic Brazilian northeastern music is
evidenced beyond the obvious title of the song.
João Liberato's flute solos are reminiscent of
folkloric fife bands still present in the northeast
Overall, what impressed me the most about Projeto
1.000 Zic Buk 2 was the consistent quality of the
instrumental numbers over the vocal pieces. As you
listen to each track, you cannot help but wonder what
it would be like to hear more music by these dedicated
musicians. Brazilian instrumental music is well
represented by Cesar Camargo Mariano,
Carlos Malta, Azymuth, Hermeto Pascoal, and many
others. Projeto 1.000 Zic Buk 2 now adds more
names to that tradition.
Copies of this release are available directly from
Virtual Studio. Please contact Ataualba
Meirelles for information.
Copyright © 1999 Egídio Leitão 