Scotland - Full Moon 32 - 05/30/99
Low + Smackvan,Snow Patrol,PilotCan
Attic, Glasgow, May 20th 1999
SSSHHH! It's oh so quiet. Well, onstage at least... in fact, headliners
Low like their peace so much that the other 3 acts on the bill have
resolved to play laid-back sets to fit in with the relaxed mood of the
Well, that's the plan...
Smackvan, in fact, are a kinda ambient lot, they sometimes
are three guitars and a Scottish bloke mumbling over the top though
occasionally they do go for trumpet, sax and melodica. It's a controlled
racket though; you get the impression that rather than being a noisy
Throbbing Gristle for the '90's, they are completely in control of the wall
of noise. Not much sign of them toning their act down mind you... hang
on, do you think this was them being QUIET? Scary thought. I'd hate to
see them when they're roused.
Snow Patrol have decided to do an acoustic set, the singer
is even barefoot (not sure what that signifies). Instead of scratching,
Tom is playing xylophone. They open with a Guns and Roses cover,
which I assume is supposed to be ironic, and play a few oldies like
Balsemic Vinegar and Velocity Girl, which work pretty well
stripped down. Must be a sign of a good song if it works acoustically,
right? Snow Patrol have got good songs to spare.
PilotCan are tonight's noisy brutes; they do start with a
quiet song but with the audience chatter not descending to less than a
mumble this leaves chief Pilot a bit disgruntled. As if by way of revenge
they crank up the volume. They are truly kings of the distortion pedal,
and reports that they'd gone soft on the new album are perhaps
exaggerated - they still have that Sonic Youth vibe, all the way down to
their accents.
Low not so much enter the rock arena as tiptoe onto the
Attic's tiny stage, singer Alan's first words are "there's another bar
downstairs" implying that the ever-present chatters might like to bugger
off right
now, though politely, of course, as befits a band who exude an air of
calmness at all times. The profanities are left for the die-hard Low fans in
the audience, who (between songs, obviously) rant "is there any chance
we could hear one song in silence?" "Shush!" "I'll shush you in a
minute..." The band are struggling to make themselves heard above the
rabble, though the fact that their amps only go up to 1 isn't helping. And
yet, they are despite this producing a beautiful, well, noise would be
pushing it a bit, but the overall wash of sound draws the listener in, the
hardened fans concentrating cross-legged on the floor. The opener, with
slightly off-kilter keyboard, is particularly lovely, they settle into a nice
groove, sort of like Codeine meets Helium (though a stand-up female
drummer plus bassist facing away from the audience may have led to that
comparison). Don't take this the wrong way, but you know they're from
America. They mainly play tracks from the new Secret Name
album, though they eventually run out and start to take requests. Before
they start
Don't Understand?, they warn us that they're going to crank up
the amps, and indeed they turn it up to, oh, 1.1, and rock out in a
crescendo of noise towards the end. Well, relatively speaking. The
audience applause
easily drowns the final strains in their call for an encore and they do
indeed come back to do a version of Venus which silences the
baying mob. So, quiet is indeed the new loud. And Duluth, Minnesota is
the new Seattle. Prick up your ears, then remember where you heard it
Copyright © 1999 Stuart McHugh 