US - Georgia - Full Moon 32 - 05/30/99
Olivia Tremor Control
Black Foliage - Animation Music
OTCs second offering this, and like their predecessor Dusk at Cubist Castle,
it is a journey through a myriad of styles, from experimental soundscapes
to clean, good, fun pop music the American way. The slightly psychedelic
quintet consists of Bill Doss, Peter Erchick, John Fernandes, Eric Harris
and William Hart, but as part of the Elephant 6 empire, OTC is helped out
by various members from the other bands on the label. That means we can hear
a multitude of talents from musicians like Jeff Mangum (Neutral Milk Hotel),
Julian Koster (Music Tapes) and Scott Spillane (Neutral Milk Hotel and Gerbils)
among many others.
All of the music is recorded on either 4- or 8-track machines, but with its
rich sound, it sounds as it was made on much more sophisticated equipment.
Another Elephant 6 acolyte, Robert Schneider from Apples In Stereo, did the
mixing, and what a great job he has done! Layers upon layers of sound make it
perfect for headphone listening.
Highlights: I Have Been Floated with its fuzz-drenched organ, bowed
saw, muddy fiddle and an armada of vocalist friends, the Zappa-esque creativity
of The Bark And Below It and Hilltop Procession where Beach Boys
meets Stravinsky meets Linda McCartney.
I may have a soft spot for the talented people at Elephant 6, but there is no
doubt that this record will fare well on my Top 10 list of 1969, sorry, 1999
releases. If your taste to include any of the aforementioned artists, you can do
a lot worse than include this album on your shopping list.
Dive into yesterday!
Copyright © 1999 Pingo 