Luna Kafé e-zine  Luna Kafé record review
coverpic flag US - Wisconsin - Full Moon 32 - 05/30/99

The Reptile Palace Orchestra
Iguana Iguana
Omnium Records

The Reptile Palace Orchestra (RPO) is a group from Wisconsin that has somehow managed to weave a seamless tapestry of tunes and sounds from South America to Bulgaria and beyond... This is not random ethnic madness but a wonderful universal conglomeration of exciting songs and exhilarating music full of beat and tempo that keep you gyrating faster than the solar system in an adventurous mood full of souvlaki smells and souk bargain spirit. Ethnic-jazz, folk-rock, smoky vocals and great fun all in one disc... Hard to beat.

Iguana Iguana is this summer's COOLEST record and RPO is one of the coolest groups ever!! There is nothing like them!!

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