Czech Republic - Full Moon 33 - 06/28/99
In her third album Monika Naceva surprised everybody - once again.
the 1994 debut Moznosti tu sou... (There Are Possibilities Here)
that earned her the "Czech Patti Smith" title, she followed up with
Nebe je rudy (The Sky is Red) two years later, which featured
ethno/world-beat-inspired dance music. And now she is taking us into
Actually the beginnings of this project were quite simple. Early into
the recording Naceva's band simply fell apart. All that remained
salvageable were two hours of tracks put down by the drummer Vladimir
Pecha. So Monika teamed up with uncredited English producer DJ
Gus, and
together they added A. Fernald's post-industrial synth sounds, a sparse
bass or guitar here and there, and some condensed poems by
The results are startling. Just like Mimoid, the formless,
menacing, nightmarish parts of an ocean protecting its planet in Stanislaw
Lem's 1961 si-fi novel Solaris, Naceva's album constantly shifts
its shape, drifting in and out of consciousness, coming in waves and
receding into the background again:
Démoni pricházejí v noci,
vsechny veci demons arrive at night, they change every
Following the example of her second album, she once again opens
the same quote from Friedrich Nietzsche, "What does not destroy me,
me strong..." to which she adds in a barely audible whisper: " least
for awhile, be afraid not." It is followed by Teplo (Warmth), a
slowly modulated rhythm riff with wobbly spaceship effects, that
gradually speeds up as it moves.
In Tvuj stín (Your Shadow) she whispers a vaguely
oriental lament over video-game sounds:
mej me rád, abych neumrela
Please love me
so I won't
die | jen sílená láska je celá
| only a
crazy love is complete. |
Svítání (Daybreak) contains the same
ostinato octave jump (here played by a double bass) as Iva
Bittová's "Before." And there are other commonalities
these two artists: they both grew up as outsiders in a fairly homogeneous
and xenophobic society, and they both turned to avant-garde theater
before concentrating on music:
svetlo se chveje nez zmizí
light shivers before it disappears,
to svetlo klouze po tvári, tece kuzí
that light slides down a face, flowing through the skin
mení se v krev, v busení srdce mení se ve
- it changes into blood, in a heartbeat changes into exhalation -
In her space journey, Naceva was mostly ignored. This succesful
discovery of various moods and emotions associated with various
required a certain degree of maturity and self-confidence. Mimoid
is intriguing; she deserves more respect for taking such an important
artistic risk.
Copyright © 1999 Ivan Sever 