Norway - Full Moon 33 - 06/28/99
Ragnar Meidell Eriksen Trio
New Waves
MRC (distribution)
Saxophonist Ragnar Meidell Eriksen, along with bassist Jon Krogstad and
percussionist Ivo Kråkstad, are definitely aiming for a bigger market
than their hometown of Mo i Rana in northern Norway. From listening to New
Waves I get the distinct feeling that I'm listening to something from
the ECM label. That airy European jazz style, you know? Even the cover design
hints at this influence.
It's not a typical jazz trio we're talking about, though. With no chordal
instruments, the sound has lots of space. Jon Krogstad keeps the rhythm with
some pretty amazing bass playing, while Ivo Kråkstad provides rhythmic
excitement with a wide assortement of sounds - congas, bongos and other drums,
and a plethora of cymbals. Meidell Eriksen's saxophone provides beautiful
melodies that weave in between the other two players.
The compositions on New Waves range from fun, upbeat tunes to
melancholic melodies. Meidell Eriksen has given lots of room for the
percussionist, and also makes use of Ivo Kråkstad's Bulgarian background,
with some nice rhythms in odd time signatures.
While the experienced jazz addict might not find this release particularly
challenging to listen to, it still shows lots of promise. Hopefully we'll hear
more from this trio.
Copyright © 1999 Kentil'zha 