US - Georgia - Full Moon 34 - 07/28/99
Mendoza Line
I like you when you're not around
Want 16 good reasons to buy this record? Well, just read
through the
track list. That's it! Then play the record and you'll be caught.
Simple as that.
"This was going to be the new wave record, but we got
sidetracked after
recording (We'll Never Make) The Final Reel, and now it just
like everything else...", says The Mendoza Line in the liner notes of
I Like You When You're Not Around.True words. And what's
better; this, their third album, sounds like "everything else" that's
good, reminding me of lots of bands/artists. Yo La Tengo,
Smith, the Delgados, the Chills, the Pooh Sticks, Popguns, Belle
and Sebastian,
plus others. The album is a fine journey through a musical world
labeled as college
rock in the US.
I haven't heard their debut, Poems to a Pawnshop, or
second record Like Someone in Love, but according to a
couple of sour-puss sources "... the
indie-rock schlock on Poems... could bore hours into a
clock." (Spank Magazine),
presenting "tepid, lightweight and unconcerned..." (Puncture
Magazine) music. However
the Athens, GA sextet continue to make a mixture of soft and
rough pop-rock, based on
guitars, bass, and drums, switching between male/female vox.
Song #1, The Big
Letdown, appear a bit Walkabout-ish with its twangy guitars.
The instrumental
In the Evening, At the Bar, With Elmer Bischoff is one of the
most comfortable
bar visits I've heard for a while. Like the perfect theme for an
unmade movie.
The piano escorted Social Thursday is gorgeous, and close
to Elliott
Smith's finest moments. There's a line of catchy, danceable, more
up-beat songs,
like the Chillsy Compulsively Yours, Pushing
Buttons, (We'll Never
Make) The Final Reel (reminding me of NJ band Spent, who
produced a brilliant
debut album - Songs of Drinking and Rebellion - a few years
back), the
British sounding (jangly, late 80s) You Twitch When You
Dream, and If
I Am Not What You Are Used To.
There are lots of highlights on this album: the poppy indeedy
As You Appear,
or the primal and Superchunky/Dinosaur Jr-ish An Enterprising
Molecule, plus
yet another ace instrumental track called Ink Polaroids,
and last but not least
the whimsy charm of the fragile and humorous That I Can
Admire, including the
finest out-of-tune piano. The music of I Like You... fills your
with air and steam. Imagine stumbling home early in the morning
from a late
party, happily intoxicated by a "dash" of alcohol and the sweetest
crush ever.
Come slide into love! Walk the Mendoza Line.
Copyright © 1999 Håvard Oppøyen 