Norway - Full Moon 37 - 10/24/99
The Nomad Nipples
INTERNATIONAL New York, London, Paris
Machine Machine Records
By reading the title of this record you understand that the boys are seeking rock
stardom way outside the borders of Norway. The Nomad Nipples is a Trondheim-based quintet,
presenting their 2nd album called INTERNATIONAL (New York London Paris). Not a bad
route for a journey, I must say.
I haven't heard their first album, also released by their own Machine Machine label (named
after a song by Blaupunkt, a Norwegian new wave band of the 80's), but K. Almli (vocals), Tor
E. Munkvold (bass), H. Warholm (guitar), Kjell Jakobsen (drums), and M. Richter (synth/sampler),
seems to enjoy driving a cool car (wearing dark sunglasses) down some Anglo-American Rock'n'roll
highway. The opening song, Better Place is a catchy, poppy, guitar-driven rock tune. On
the third track, Jane, they sound a bit like R.E.M. (ca. Monster era), before
switching to and fro some more razorbladeish hardrocking themes. It seems/sounds like the guys
has been through some hard-rock/HM days earlier on (well, who hasn't ...), judging by the attitude
and the lyrics throughout the album. I also get this 80's feeling when listening to INTERNATIONAL,
maybe due to the sound and use of the synth. King of Rock'n'Roll is, as far as I can see, the
story of Elvis decadence, the decline and fall of rock with all its colorful and juicy cliché s, but I
don't really get it. Virgin is something completely different, sounding like Tom Waits has
been in charge of arranging the song. Nice.
I must admit I prefer it when The Nomad Nipples calm down a bit, such as on the weird and
wonderful Heart, Home, Heaven, but I also get entertained by the quick and hard
Mobrules and the rough Killthing. The Nomad Nipples are skilled, yes, but I miss
some more identity. If you're into some bits of plain, straightforward rock gazing back to the
Contact (or check out): Machine Machine Records,
PO Box 651, 7406 Trondheim, Norway
Copyright © 1999 Håvard Oppøyen 