US - California - Full Moon 38 - 11/23/99
Beth Custer
In the Broken Fields Where I Lie
Own label (
Beth Custer is a rare and rarefied musician full of jazzy spiritualism and an avant-garde
expression (she's previously been working with various groups, such as the notorious Club Foot
Orchestra the ethnoambient Trance Mission). Her recent release In the Broken Fields Where I Lie,
is irreverent and meditative, arrogant and exciting, modern and traditional, improvisational and
formal ... but most of all it is an original, creative force - a complex insight into the
Her clarinet sounds wail into the timeless landscapes suggesting vivid images of symbolist
paintings. This mostly instrumental CD, is inspiring and exciting - a true masterpiece for
those who love the ethereal aspects of pure magical cutting edge music along with the thrill
of the discovery of the new and electrifying.
Copyright © 1999 Stavros Moschopoulos 