Australia - Luna Kafé - Full Moon 4 - 02/22/97
Small World Experience
Either Way Records (PO Box 5656, West End, QLD 4101)
Many a time has Brisbane made reference to its family tree of linked key
players and their intertwined side-project bands, but if you look real close
and squint to see the core of this tree you will find Brisbane's best, Small
World Experience, waving back. On these recordings Small World
Experience are Pat Ridgeway and Ian Wadley, with a little bit of help on
bass by Julian Patterson, and between the three they have formed or
played in a long history of Bris bands such as Minimum Chips, Gus,
Frankenstein, and Clag. Whilst the circle of bands is somewhat
self-perpetuating and self-reliant within Brisbane, they have spread
their musical clique further south and to the west to include Perth,
Sydney, and Melbourne key players also. The influence of Small World
Experience stretches wide.
Following a cassette on the Melbourne Spill label and a few 7" and 10"
pressings, Shelf-Life is the first dabblings for S.W.E. in the shiny disc
format. It was recorded and mixed in a number of lounge rooms doubling
as make-shift studio spaces and without the glamour of a big label
budget, but the sounds emerging from their four track never faulters
through this lack of techincal sophistication, rather, it takes upon the
homely honesty of their surroundings. The twelve song recording opens
with a self-titled track, S.W.E., only to immediately form a struggle
between obviousness and a thick coating of subtlety only to emerge
somewhere near tasteful modesty. Pat's soft voice lures you in on a
wave of cleaverly constructed lyrical webs which evolve over the course
of the album, leaving you open armed as the guitar wash over. By the
third song you're trapped.
S.W.E. engulf a very Brisbane sound which perhaps is a sound they
themselves pioneered and are still riding softly some years later, but it
is a sound that does itself finest justice performed live. An energy
that does not translate to recording or an intensity that is emitted by
the band members themselves, Shelf-Life doesn't quite document the real
thing but comes so close you can hardly breathe. Small World Experience
fill the room with the beautiful crafted guitars and vocals mixed with a
subtle genius songwriting of Brisbane's unsung finest.
Copyright © 1997 Tricia Waterman 