England - Full Moon 45 - 06/16/00
Country Teasers, Storm And Stress, The Dismemberment Plan
Bull and Gate, London, 08.06.2000
Yeah, back to the lovely B & G, Kentish Town, (one of) the
best venues around
London to get to see new bands. This night presented a 3-bill: two
US combos,
plus one UK band. All names new to me. A pint of lager, please.
Cheers! Here we
Opening act were London-based (formed in Edinburgh)
Country Teasers.
C&W? Not really. A quartet of punky spirited raw and chaotic rock,
throwing in an
amusing show. Totally unpretentious stuff, simplistic with loads of
humor. From
the retrospective compilation CD Back to the Future, or:
Brideshead Revisited
Revisited (on Guided Missile) I picked up, the story is they've
been around
since 1993 (!), and have released 2 singles and 2 albums on Crypt
Records, Hamburg.
Since then Guided Missile has released further 3 singles. They've
toured Europe
and USA, and they're said to be Peel faves!
Singer/guitarist (plus some saxophone, as well as keyboard
played with his feet!)
BR. Wallers/The Rebel looked incredibly young - at first sight I'd
say 15(!), but
he must be quite some years older than that - put up a remarkable
stage performance.
Wearing a Seinfeld cap, and singing in a way most people won't
claim to be singing.
Deep'n'rusty, like a mix of Mark E. Smith (who's still trying to keep
his The Fall alive,
if not kicking) and Calvin Johnson (of Beat Happening). Assisted by
a lead guitarist,
a bass player, and a drummer (told me he was Scottish, maybe
they all are). Let's
Have a Shambles! (off the compilation) opened their 30 minute
set, of strange and
hilarious songs. They also played The Idiot (not to be mixed
with Mr. Pop's song
of the same name) off the latest EP (Idiots v. Spastics EP
by The Rebel/Country
Teasers - to be reviewed next moon). Because I don't know their
records yet I can't
name drop more titles. The music, well: slacker rock, think
aforementioned groups The
Fall and Beat Happening, plus maybe early Pavement attitude. Or
maybe not. Anyway, I'd
recommend a visit if they ever get to a theater near you. Shamble
Next on were The Dismemberment Plan, a quartet out
of Washington DC, with an
album called Emergency & I out on the DeSoto label.
They've been labeled as
emo-core, and have recently toured (still on-going?) Europe as
warm-up for Pearl Jam.
Weeeell, I thought, I'd better give them a try. A skilled and playful
bunch, sure.
Probably nice lads as well, switching between pathos and core. A
massive contrast to
Country Teasers show, and to be honest, to much emo for my cup
of tea.
Headliners of the evening were Storm And Stress, a
trio from Chicago (with
members of Dan Caballero) who's new (their 2nd) album - Under
Thunder and Fluorescent Light
(Touch & Go), has been received rather well in the press. NME
said they're : "...puncturing
post-rock's pretentious dichotomy with a barrage of exaggeration."
A fitting description
after watching their UK debut. Their show was an interesting
experience. To be bagged among
post-rock for sure, and quite arty as well. They were mostly sitting
throughout their 45-50
min set. A drummer being really hyper all over skins and cymbals,
the bass player with his
instrument put on his lap, while the guitarist/singer (guitar close to
his chin) sometimes
danced like Ian Curtis, before whistling to the mike. I've never heard
S&S before, so I can't
tell what songs they played. What I've found out is that they've got
incredibly long and
weird song titles - just read, but don't hold your breath: Dance
'Til Record Skips Like
Passengers Shift On Take Off, It Takes A Million Years To
Become Diamonds So Let's Just
Burn Like Coal Until The Sky's Black, and An Address That
Was To Skip Ahead Of The
Gallop Of Its Own Sperm And Eggs And Wait For Itself In... to
mention a few. They put up
a refreshing (most of the time) mixture of jazzy experimentalism
holding noise, silence,
feedback, and rhythms. The band name is really descriptive for the
musical content. I guess
it must be worth checking out their albums.
Copyright © 2000 Håvard Oppøyen 