Italy - Full Moon 49 - 10/13/00
Nodo Gordiano
Nodo Gordiano
Lizard/Pick Up
Italy has always produced great, symphonic progressive groups. One only needs
to take a look at the international success of groups like PFM, Banco di Mutuo
Soccorso, Le Orme, etc. (just to mention some of the best known ones) to see that
there is a creative climate that fosters great musical developments. In fact,
the history of progressive rock is full of Italian groups that have created an
almost mythical aura about them and their releases. Nodo Gordiano is a rather
new group of musicians that are equally creative and exciting as their
musical predecessors.
Their singular (unfortunately) homonymous release is a spiritual/metaphysical
mixture of rock and classical sounds (as a matter of fact, Andrea de Luca, one of
the Nodo Gordiano noble souls is a musician of medieval/renaissance music)in the
flowing form which characterized most great Italian groups of the 70's. Long passages
and musical invocations of-ten make reference to the past and provide the basis for
the musical devel-opments of the present and (possibly) their future. An auspicious
first re-lease that begs for more from this awesome group of affable musicians.
Un-fortunately their relase by Lizard Records is out of print but for more info you
may try the Nodo Gordiano site.
Copyright © 2000 Stavros Moschopoulos 