Sweden - Full Moon 49 - 10/13/00
Various Artists
Pop Greetings Vol. 1 California
Yesterday Girl Records
One of Sweden's finest pop labels, Yesterday girl records, has returned with a
new compilation series. After the wonderful Pop Under the Surface Vol 1-3
Stefan Johansson now puts the focus on different states in the US. Seven different
bands with one song each. Some of the bands figured on Pop Under the Surface
but they are so good that you want to hear them over and over again.
The CD kicks of with the Shambles and they're setting the standard, wich
becomes a problem after a few songs. Your expectations are high and maybe you get a
little disappointed by Dragsterbarbie and Bat Country's contributions,
but all of that is forgiven when you hear the last song, Rachel Gordon with
Fun At Your House. This song alone makes you realize that real pop comes from
California. So if your'e in to jingly summerpop with warm harmonies don't hesitate to
buy this record. And you should probably hurry if you want it, it's limited to 500
copies. The series will be continued in the near future, keep your ears open...
Get in touch with: Yesterday Girl Records,
Grusåsgränd 162, 4 tr, 121 30 Enskededalen, SWEDEN.
Copyright © 2000 Fredrik Magnusson 