Brazil - Full Moon 50 - 11/11/00
Dil Fonseca
Masterful song writer and performer, Dil Fonseca is one of those voices you
cannot forget. With songs dealing with nature, social themes and
love, the musical
world of Dil Fonseca is full of intricate harmonies and outstanding lyrics.
His independent debut release is a strong statement about the quality music
of Brazil. With each listening - and you will be playing this CD
over and over - new discoveries emerge, new sounds captivate you.
In the language of the Brazilian Waimiri-Atroari natives,
means celebration, party. Marubá is indeed a
celebration of joy,
passion, and simplicity. The diverse range of emotions and textures is aptly
presented in twelve original songs, mostly all written by Dil Fonseca alone.
In two of those tracks, Bobagem (Nonsense) and Boreste (Idly),
his collaborator is Marcos Sacramento, who also shares vocals in
Another guest vocalist is Rita Peixoto's strong voice in Nau do Amor
(Vessel of Love).
The album opens with the entrancing and mystifying title track. There is a
certain calmness in Dil's guitar accompaniment and Antonio
Saraiva's and Alexandre
Bittencourt's flute solos. Peace and harmony abound in this song
about traveling
down a river, gathering food, preparing for a celebration. When the
chorus adds
its vocals, Marubá explodes with life. In contrast to nature,
the megalopolis of São Paulo is featured in Paulo.
Here Dil explores
the beauty that many seem to miss when writing about São
Paulo. The historical
neighborhoods, the ethnic composition, the busy avenues - all is present in
this beautiful waltz. As a prelude to another song, in Paulo Dil makes
reference to two other Brazilian classics honoring São Paulo: Caetano
Veloso's Sampa and Paulo Vanzolini's Ronda. The
innocence of Os
Meninos da Rua (The Boys in the Street) is another tender moment of this
album. The reggae-like Boreste sets the tone for the contagious samba
Sambeto, a clever and humorous look at the influence of samba in Dil's
musical upbringing.
Dil is overwhelming and enrapturing in his art. He can be complex without
losing objectivity, simple without being banal. And just when you think you
have heard it all, Dil mesmerizes you with the instrumental Pedal. The
closing track, Nu (Naked), features just Dil's guitar and voice. What
an amazing tune that is, and what a gorgeous performance. An
accomplished guitarist
and song writer, Dil Fonseca is a treasure waiting to be explored.
You can preview
and order this wonderful CD at Dil's web
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