Norway - Full Moon 50 - 11/11/00
Reverend Lovejoy
Polo Is Not The Issue Darling, Champagne Is!
Big Dipper/Kreegah! Records
This is Reverend Lovejoy's third release in one and a half years (!) even if
the songs Cold and Fight The Night With Candles has been out earlier, on their
debut album and EP respectively. We have praised their records in earlier issues
of Luna Kafé, and will hereby continue with just that.
Their 'sound' is easily recognisable with Pål Angelskårs distinct vocals
and their blend of acoustic and electric instruments. Their debut album was
more singer/songwriter oriented but the band has matured and added more instruments
to their sound along the way. However, they have not become a rock'n'roll band yet;
there's still a laid back feel to it all.
Reverend Lovejoy still have a soft spot for Nick Drake, Elliott Smith and other
artists in that tradition, but they make good songs without sounding as copycats.
I must add that I'm not over enthusiastic about Polo ..., mildly excited may probably
be more accurate.
In the press release, they claim that the song Midspring Scenery will remind the
listener of The Zombies and that is no bad thing, not at all. I would also add Norwegian
legends Difference (60's edition!), but it might be that my reference points are
completely wrong. And mentioning Zombies and their singer Colin Bluntstone in the press
release doesn't excactly discredit the band either ...
There's a kebab joint in the centre of Oslo which has the words "Feeling is same,
taste is different" in their front window. I would add a 'the' in there somewhere,
and say the same about Reverend Lovejoy's new album. I'm not quite sure what that means,
but it sure feels allright ...
Distribution in Norway: Tuba!
Copyright © 2000 Pingo 