Scotland - Full Moon 50 - 11/11/00
Teenage Fanclub
Some things never change. Teenage fanclub is one of these things, and that's a good thing.
You always know what to expect, and you always get it. No surprises on this album either.
I still remember when I first found the band's old album Bandwagonesque.
I didn't know who they where or how they sounded, but still, I just had to buy the album.
And I was knocked out by one perfect pop song after another.
After that release Teenage Fanclub hasn't lived up to my expectations.
Their last album Songs from Nothern Britain was a real pop-treat but something was missing.
And I feel the same about this new album. It's good, I really love
this power-pop driven music, but I want more.
Nevertheless, this is a really good album, and the opening track, I Need Direction, is a classic
next to songs like The Concept and Metal Baby from Bandwagonesgue.
The rest of the album is nice but the band doesn't fulfill like the they once did.
I like the record and will play it for months, but mostly of sentimental reasons.
If you're a fan you'll probably be satisfied, but not as satisfied you'd hope to be.
Copyright © 2000 Fredrik Magnusson 