Norway - Full Moon 54 - 03/09/01
Highway of Love
Beverly Brothers Recording Company
Quest (aka The Quest Quartet) started out in 1995, playing "loud and agressiv music," according to themselves,
inspired by bands like Helmet and fellow Norwegians Motorpsycho. Soon they created their own label, Beverly
Brothers Recording Company (BBRC), and released their debut EP called Perfume. I haven't heard that one,
but it was, again in their own words, "a hybrid of hardcore pop, metal and country." After a break, and the
arrival of some new musicians, Highway of Love was released last autumn, being "more melodic, less aggressive,
and more guitars." And the four songs present here can be described as a lighter, poppier, faster, and more compact
Motorpsycho. Semi-noisy, distorted and dissonant, but melodic pop-hardcore, rather pleasant, even though this is
not my favorite genre (at times I even get fed up by the grey melodic stereotype of the average Motorpsycho song).
They do not expand beyond the declared formula, and it all sounds a little derived and unexciting.
But the playing is tight, they sing well and write as up-beat songs as the genre limits
allow, so fans of the genre will do wise to check them out.
Vehiculos De Ocasion
Vehiculos De Ocasion
Beverly Brothers Recording Company
Released last spring, the self-titled EP Vehiculos De Ocasion is the first of two EPs by the band released on BBRC.
Vehiculos De Ocasion is Quest without their drummer, and seemingly also without much critical sense.
Billed as "experimental, instrumental, improvised Lo-Fi," this is either genius at work, or crap.
If you think I'll go for the latter, think again. And again.
Both these BBRC releases are on thick vinyl, and only 100 copies exists of each. Sadly, they are now both
sold out, but Quest's are releasing their debut album very soon, and the second EP from Vehiculos De Ocasion,
Beneath an Incline, should still be available from BBRC.
Also of interest on BBRC is their new underground compilation Mapping the Underground, volume 1.
Copyright © 2001 Ken Trout 