England - Full Moon 55 - 04/08/01
Judge Smith
Curly's Airships
Masters of Art
This double CD - 144 minutes long and including two thick booklets of lyrics and information
- was launched about six moons ago, but it's a one-of-a-kind album that needs time and deserves
a review. It tells the true and extraordinary story of the ups and downs (literally) of British
airship history, focusing on a grandiose plan to link the colonies of the empire with a fleet of
airships. The dream culminated with the destruction of the giant R.101, the world's largest
airship, on its maiden voyage to India in 1930.
You might have heard of Mr. Smith earlier. He wrote the lyrics/libretto for the Usher
opera that was on our Full Moon 42 menu. In his teens he gave
the name to and co-founded Van der Graaf Generator (VdGG) along with Peter Hammill, check out
the VdGG Boxed story at the Full Moon 51 menu. He left the band
at the time their first single was released in early 1969. Since then he has been involved in
other rock, pub, punk and experimental bands, released a couple of CDs, written a Latin mass,
operas and stage musicals off Shaftesbury Avenue and songs performed by Peter Hammill and Lene
Lovich. Curly's Airships has been his main musical occupation since 1993.
The story is told by Flight Lieutenant George 'Curly' McLeod, a fictional character with his
own views, but based on the historical facts. As Judge Smith puts it in his notes:
'Despite his thoroughly one-sided view of events, I
have a sneaking and quite unjustifiable suspicion that this just might be - pretty much - the
way it was.' To make matters even more complicated, it's not Curly as such who speaks,
but his ghost, through an old lady, a medium. Actually, after the final catastrophe that killed
nearly 50 people (only six survived), a celebrated spiritualist medium received lengthy messages
from deceased crew members who revealed information no one else could have known.
Judge calls his work a songstory, because most of the story is told/sung by one person, as
opposed to an opera, rock opera or musical. Judge sings the part of Curly himself and plays most
of the drums and bass tracks. An impressive gang of 60s/70s/80s musical celebrities helps him
out along with a host of lesser-known names. Hugh Banton takes care of all the organ parts
throughout the album, both modern and old ones - the latter recorded in a church and a cathedral
near the sites where the story took place. This is his first major recording project, I believe,
since he left VdGG in 1976. John Ellis - guitarist and E-bow master of the Vibrators, Stranglers
and Peter Hammill and his K Group - is also contributing throughout the album. David Jackson
(saxes and flutes) also of VdGG plays on several tracks as does Pete Brown (percussion and
vocals; Cream lyricist and leader of Battered Ornaments and Piblokto). Although Curly is the
storyteller, he remembers or imagines statements of other persons of the story, sung by Peter
Hammill, Arthur Brown (the King of Hellfire of the Crazy World and Kingdom Come, you know),
Paul Roberts (Stranglers) and others. Brown and Hammill impersonate an incompetent governmental
bureaucrat and an ambitious minister of air, respectively, who manage to ruin the project by
their demands for safety and to keep the work schedule. ['So if they value their jobs, They
had better deliver' - heard that one before, history seems to repeat itself, eh?]
The inclusion of the medium is a clever move. The voice of the actress Gwendolyn Gray in her
late 80s that transforms into Curly's/Judge's and the ticking of an old clock effectively take
the listener back to the times after the first world war. This is strengthened by period slang
in the lyrics (explained in one of the booklets). Also the music is interspersed by military
marches, air (as opposed to sea) shanties and tango sections of the merry 1920s.
A couple of tracks have sitars, tamburas etc. at the thought of flying away to India. The
rest of the music is harder to characterise. John Ellis tells on his homepage that
'It is one of the most remarkable pieces of music I
have ever had the pleasure of being involved with'. True! It is mostly rock based, but
not in the traditional form. There are hardly any conventional songs - only short segments, no
rhyming lyrics, verses or choruses. Instead there are 27 musical themes that is repeated at
least once. But the work includes several other themes. The story is divided into 26 tracks
arranged in 15 chapters. I guess the music is based on the words and not vice versa. A few
times the words seem to be all that matters with hardly any tune at all. Also there are pieces
of spoken dialogue between airship crew members and great airship sound effects created by
Banton's organs (no synthesizers!) and the guitars of Ellis; to make it sound like a sort of
radio play in between. But overall, it's the words and music combined that matter.
Someone compared the music to Zappa's more complex works. I don't think so, though maybe
that's as close as we can get. The way the music describes the work inside the giant airship
sheds, the pompous debates in governmental committees, Curly's eagerness to fly, the lightness
of the airship flying through and above the clouds, the hazards of navigating the ship through
rain and thunder storms etc. is very appropriate. Hugh Banton and John Ellis in particular must
have put a lot of time and enthusiasm into the project. And a challenge it must have been with
hardly any repetitions and music adapted to the words. Judge sings better than ever and really
distinct, you can hardly misunderstand any word he is singing, as I usually tend to do. The
other participants' efforts must not be forgotten. But their contributions are mere fill-ins
compared to Judge's Banton's and Ellis' formidable efforts.
Forget all your prejudices concerning concept albums and rock operas. Curly's Airships
is a unique work of long durability created by a madman. Well, at least you have to be pretty
mad to dedicate several years of your life to the studies required, drag your home recording
equipment up and down the country to record it and - when finally finished - release the album
on your own label in a first edition of 1 000 copies only. It certainly has nothing to do with
fame or fortune! You'll find everything you need to know about the project, sound samples, how
to order the album and even more at the specially designed and great Curly's Airships
home page.
Copyright © 2001 JP 