Norway - Full Moon 59 - 08/04/01
William Hut
Rec 90
William Hut (a.k.a. William Marhaug), the singer (with the great voice) and songwriter of
Bergen-based pop-band Poor Rich Ones, goes solo. Scarlet is a foretaste from he album
Road Star Doolittle, which gives him the chance to present songs he found not to fit
Poor Rich Ones. Material said to be inspired by bands such as Flaming Lips, Mercury Rev and
Spiritualized. Out in the desert?
He's been assisted by several other musicians from the creative and productive part of Bergen's
pop scene: producer is Magnet (a.k.a. Even Johansen, formerly of Chocolate Overdose, and still
the singer of Libidio), while Pedro-Carmona and Pluto (both members of Sister Sonny, one of the
other Rec 90 label's veterans), and Espen Mellingen (of Ai Phoenix, and formerly a Poor Rich One
as well) has brought along their instruments to the studio. Scarlet is a toned-down, quiet
beauty, sneaking up from the dust (I'm still in a desert). The sound is crisp and airy, with
more of an acoustic feel than his Poor Rich Ones stuff. The happy-sadness is a thick layer, the
loneliness is overwhelming. Belonging (also to be included on the album) is calmer, sweeping
through the sunset evening (this is nocturnal music indeed) like a mild breeze. The two other
songs are exclusive tracks for this EP, and On The Edge Of Beauty is quite charming, with
its (almost) mis-match between the guitar and the vocal melody. Yellow Cab is maybe more
a Poor Rich Ones song. But then again there's a thin line between these projects.
I don't find much comparison between these songs and the music of the bands listed as sources of
musical inspiration. I find it hard to mention any names at all, which must be a good thing, right?
Check out the single (or the album) yerself. If you're seeking chilled pop-tristesse William Hut
sure can give you what you want. The only thing I wonder is: will a whole album be too
much? Too gloomy?
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