Norway - Full Moon 62 - 11/01/01
Dubel Darr
Hardcore Prono
After 3 EP's and lots of concerts we finally get the debut album from the Norwegian group
Dubel Darr. As both their name and the albums title suggests, this is a group with a playful
approach to music. They play light, intelligent popmusic and fans of bands like the Cardigans,
Stina Nordenstam and St. Etienne would certainly like this.
The music is based around Rakel Aurfjords light, tender, naïve singing and the songs varies
from light pop, indie rock, via 'evildisco' (their own words) to sophisticated folk tunes. Not
all the songs are equally strong. Personally I find some of them a bit too nice and poppy,
lacking a strong nerve. But there are some great exceptions and I want to emphasise the brilliant
song Just Play as a beautiful modern lullaby in the same soundscape as BJÖRK. Another
strong song is the sexy - +, OK, a brilliant pop song with some dark undercurrents which
makes the atmosphere more exciting. You "hardcore popsuckers" will love the song Drop Dead,
which is a bit too poppy and harmless for me (a lot of the la la la). It all depends on what kind
of music you prefer, but by all means this is a quality album.
Best Moments:
- +, Ok: of the same materials as the mighty PJ Harvey.
Gone: Ok, this has a very nice pop tune but a little sleazy backing.
Just Play: a beautiful, dramatic song with a hypnotic atmosphere that finally does her
voice justice and shows the group's folk roots. Great violin playing!!!! The best song on the
Lucifers baby 800: Chinese oriented violins.
Mongodisco: Which certainly is no disco but a quite heavy indie song.
Bdmf: a nice, quiet, little folk tune at the end of the album.
Copyright © 2001 Mariann Skjerdal 