Mare Smythii - Full Moon 65 - 01/28/02
The Year Of The Fireman
Quite a year for firemen. Quite a year everywhere. What with everything and what not. If you
were a fireman in 2001, you were getting a lot more respect and recognition than anyone in that
profession had ever seen.
Add to that probably the two best fireman songs written since "Is That All There Is?" and you
have a year that will forever be thought of in terms of hooks and ladders, boots and helmets,
firehouse poles and dalmatians.
Well, for me anyway.
Bonnie 'Prince' You Know Who and Edith
Frost of course are the writers of these two firemen songs I am speaking of here. "Ease Down
The Road" and "Further". Respectively. And if you don't know them, I wish you did.
Do you think it's a little weird too that the Record of the Year for me was Low's
Things We Lost In The Fire"?
Just a coincidence? I don't think so...
Copyright © 2002 Alice Kenner 