Norway - Full Moon 66 - 02/27/02
Free Music
Rune Grammofon/Voices of Wonder
Free Music is labelboss Rune Kristoffersen of Rune Grammofon's fame own band and his second
CD under the Monolight disguise. This time he steers away from the pure techno and beatoriented
trap and delivers a pure slab of improvised elektronica. Improvised in the sense that everything
is recorded direct to a two-track, even if some sounds are pre-programmed, the whole composition
is played on the fly. Sometimes it works and sometimes not. That's the curse and blessing of all
free music. Like he says himself: "Having worked for
many years in an environment where the recording process has been relatively structured and
calculated, I have found this new hit-or-miss situation very liberating."
It's refreshing to hear an entire album of electronica where mood and melody are of no
interest at all. I personally think Monolight are in love with sound. With juxtaposing interesting
sounds and creating organic patterns of crystal-clear airwaves. Like frozen light burnt into metal,
soft and hard at the same time. More in debt to the early pioneers of the analogue synthesizer than
to the later thechnoscene. Especially in the track "red mystic" you can hear traces of early Edgar
Froese or even Zeit-era Tangerine Dream. But not to be unfair, this is not nostalgic music
in any way, far from it. As fresh sounding as most other Rune Grammofon records, and that's a big
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