Denmark - Full Moon 74 - 10/21/02
The Raveonettes
Whip It On
Crunchy Frog
Finally Danish songwriter and former frontman in the danish rock-group Psycked up Janis, Sune
Wagner, breaks four years of silence and releases his first album with his new duo The Raveonettes
with himself on guitar/vocal and Sharin Foo on bass/vocal. The bandname is a mix of the expression
"rave on" from the sixties and the disbanded girl-band The Ronettes.
Whip It On is a mini album containing 8 minimalist songs in b minor and 21 minutes of
music, and it is pure rock'n'roll the whole way through. The Raveonettes fits in perfect with the
new wave and garage-bands like The White Stripes, The Strokes and Black Rebel Motorcycle Club,
but they have their own style. One of the things that stands out is the use of double vocal, chains,
sampled beats and drum machines which gives the record a very raw expression. Another thing that
makes this a really good record, is that underneath all the guitars and the noise there are always
a good melody.
The songs on Whip It On are inspired by the american beat-culture and are mostly about
being restless and live right here and right now. Just try listening to a song like Beat City were
the lyrics says: "Wanna die in beat city, run run run / wanna hang with girls and shoot my gun /
wanna catch the rays of the sun / wanna drink and drive and have some fun...". If you're looking
for a new and fresh garage-record and not just more of the same I will recommend to get yourself
a copy of Whip It On, it is in my opinion one of the best rock'n'roll records from one of
the best danish songwriters I have heard this year.
The first full length album by The Raveonettes is going to be released in the USA in February
on the american label Colombia, which signed The Raveonettes after they played a successfull concert
in June at the legendary CBGB-club in New York, and got a lot of attention by Rolling Stone
Magazine. In Denmark though, The Raveonettes will still be released by the Danish underground
label, Crunchy Frog.
Copyright © 2002 Jacob Faurholt 