US - New York - Full Moon 75 - 11/20/02
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Wichita Recordings
New York City's trio Yeah Yeah Yeahs (YYYs) was one of the most talked about bands around
earlier this year when they put out their debut EP Yeah Yeah Yeahs in April. Rock
minimalism, performed by Karen O (vox), Nick Ziner (guitar), and Brian Chase (drums). Believe
the hype?
They've been sessioning for fulfilling their first album, and "Machine" is another foretaster.
Chaotic skinny-rawk, topped with Karen's squealing, screaming voice. Well, I'm not sure if I
understand what the fuss is all about. "Graveyard" is an older 4-track song, like the Cramps on
helium. And the CD's third piece, "Pin", is a leftover remix very easy to forget.
When it comes to sparse instrumentation and related music I think I prefer Norwegian combo
Hello Goodbye. Oh yeah.
Copyright © 2002 Hank Sinatra 