Brazil - Full Moon 76 - 12/19/02
The Myth is Dead
One Voice
This is a nice appetizer for the ones seeking those sounds of good hardcore from the 80's.
And hopefully, a prelude for some eventual new full length by this São Paulo's quintet.
The present line-up shows a solid blend of several influences that also came from previous
experiences in the most known and reputated bands the Brazilian punk-HC rock environment
witnessed during the last decade of past millennium. Perhaps the best evidence of this amalgam
is on how Fabio Prandini's vocals fit along the other instruments really better than his White
Frogs' 21J recordings which, by the way, is a good work produced by Down by Law-Dag Nasty's
Dave Smiley. And probably this singing detail attests also the fact that his feelings were
always more into the not-so-melodic stuff and then the recording of one of his seminal works
as a mark of his roots.
Besides this track, there's three new convincing ones and the Bad Brains's "Sailin' on",
recorded also by Living Colour. The time runs very fast on the display. But so what? If you
can't wait for the main meal, press the repeat button: this snack is up in your face that
can't be ignored.
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