US - New York - Full Moon 76 - 12/19/02
Turn on the Bright Lights
Matador Records
This is the record any true 'musicologist' would sell his Mama to have made (even if he wont
necessarily admit it...). The group comes across as any record store clerk's dream super-band:
Ian Curtis on vocals, Johnny Marr on guitar, maybe Keith Moon on drums and that-guy-from the
Cure on Keyboard. Their music is clearly derivative (what isn't these days?, but they have the
merit of having impeccable taste: 80's influences abound. The singer's booming voice is nicely
served by the very bouncy and catchy bass lines, and the guitarist's jangly guitar riffs.
This is where the praise stops, though. Like so many of their peers, Interpol seems trapped
by their genre, their style and everything that defines them as a band. I don't believe there is
anything wrong with "looking the part", but as a music fan I can't help feeling that all that
time spent picking out that nice skinny tie or getting your hair just right could of been put to
better use. If Interpol want to survive the curse of the follow-up album, they'll have to learn
to focus more on themselves and their writing, and less about the Diktat of their Indie esthetic.
Oh yeah..and all 9/11 sentimentality put aside, "New York Cares" truly is a shit song.
Copyright © 2002 Jesse Hudson 